202 research outputs found

    Comment on `Glassy Transition in a Disordered Model for the RNA Secondary Structure'

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    In cond-mat/9907125 the low-temperature behavior of a model for RNA secondary structure was studied. It is claimed that the model exhibits a breaking of the replica symmetry, since the width of the distribution P(q) of overlaps may converge to a finite value at T=0. The authors used an exact enumeration method to obtain all ground states for a given RNA sequence. Because of the exponential growing degeneracy, only sequences up to length L=256 could be studied. Here it is shown that, in contrast to the previous results, by going to much larger sizes as L=2000 the variance coverges towards zero, i.e. P(q) is a delta-function in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: completely rewritten, comment to cond-mat/9907125 (PRL 84, 2026

    Scalings of domain wall energies in two dimensional Ising spin glasses

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    We study domain wall energies of two dimensional spin glasses. The scaling of these energies depends on the model's distribution of quenched random couplings, falling into three different classes. The first class is associated with the exponent theta =-0.28, the other two classes have theta = 0, as can be justified theoretically. In contrast to previous claims, we find that theta=0 does not indicate d=d_l but rather d <= d_l, where d_l is the lower critical dimension.Comment: Clarifications and extra reference

    Zero Temperature Properties of RNA Secondary Structures

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    We analyze different microscopic RNA models at zero temperature. We discuss both the most simple model, that suffers a large degeneracy of the ground state, and models in which the degeneracy has been remove, in a more or less severe manner. We calculate low-energy density of states using a coupling perturbing method, where the ground state of a modified Hamiltonian, that repels the original ground state, is determined. We evaluate scaling exponents starting from measurements of overlaps and energy differences. In the case of models without accidental degeneracy of the ground state we are able to clearly establish the existence of a glassy phase with θ1/3\theta \simeq 1/3.Comment: 20 pages including 9 eps figure

    Modelling Competing Endogenous RNA Networks

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules, about 22 nucleotide long, which post-transcriptionally regulate their target messenger RNAs (mRNAs). They accomplish key roles in gene regulatory networks, ranging from signaling pathways to tissue morphogenesis, and their aberrant behavior is often associated with the development of various diseases. Recently it has been experimentally shown that the way miRNAs interact with their targets can be described in terms of a titration mechanism. From a theoretical point of view titration mechanisms are characterized by threshold effect at near-equimolarity of the different chemical species, hypersensitivity of the system around the threshold, and cross-talk among targets. The latter characteristic has been lately identified as competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) effect to mark those indirect interactions among targets of a common pool of miRNAs they are in competition for. Here we propose a stochastic model to analyze the equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium properties of a network of miRNAs interacting with mRNA targets. In particular we are able to describe in detail the peculiar equilibrium and non-equilibrium phenomena that the system displays in proximity to the threshold: (i) maximal cross-talk and correlation between targets, (ii) robustness of ceRNA effect with respect to the model's parameters and in particular to the catalyticity of the miRNA-mRNA interaction, and (iii) anomalous response-time to external perturbations

    The intrinsic dimension of protein sequence evolution

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    It is well known that, in order to preserve its structure and function, a protein cannot change its sequence at random, but only by mutations occurring preferentially at specific locations. We here investigate quantitatively the amount of variability that is allowed in protein sequence evolution, by computing the intrinsic dimension (ID) of the sequences belonging to a selection of protein families. The ID is a measure of the number of independent directions that evolution can take starting from a given sequence. We find that the ID is practically constant for sequences belonging to the same family, and moreover it is very similar in different families, with values ranging between 6 and 12. These values are significantly smaller than the raw number of amino acids, confirming the importance of correlations between mutations in different sites. However, we demonstrate that correlations are not sufficient to explain the small value of the ID we observe in protein families. Indeed, we show that the ID of a set of protein sequences generated by maximum entropy models, an approach in which correlations are accounted for, is typically significantly larger than the value observed in natural protein families. We further prove that a critical factor to reproduce the natural ID is to take into consideration the phylogeny of sequences

    Inference algorithms for gene networks: a statistical mechanics analysis

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    The inference of gene regulatory networks from high throughput gene expression data is one of the major challenges in systems biology. This paper aims at analysing and comparing two different algorithmic approaches. The first approach uses pairwise correlations between regulated and regulating genes; the second one uses message-passing techniques for inferring activating and inhibiting regulatory interactions. The performance of these two algorithms can be analysed theoretically on well-defined test sets, using tools from the statistical physics of disordered systems like the replica method. We find that the second algorithm outperforms the first one since it takes into account collective effects of multiple regulators

    Gene-network inference by message passing

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    The inference of gene-regulatory processes from gene-expression data belongs to the major challenges of computational systems biology. Here we address the problem from a statistical-physics perspective and develop a message-passing algorithm which is able to infer sparse, directed and combinatorial regulatory mechanisms. Using the replica technique, the algorithmic performance can be characterized analytically for artificially generated data. The algorithm is applied to genome-wide expression data of baker's yeast under various environmental conditions. We find clear cases of combinatorial control, and enrichment in common functional annotations of regulated genes and their regulators.Comment: Proc. of International Workshop on Statistical-Mechanical Informatics 2007, Kyot